Exercise is one of the easiest things from which you can feel the benefit in every aspect of your life. From just two hours a week, you can improve your confidence, beat stress and improve your overall well being. Whatever your motivation is, whether it's to feel better about your body for how it looks or for how it performs, exercise is the answer. And it's just not as unpleasant as everyone makes out.
My Story
I'd always had a low self-esteem about my body. I hated PE in part because it meant getting changed in front of everybody, but also because as a teenager, I had an addiction to approval and I never got that on the sports field. I was decidedly average at competitive sports and if I didn't win, I wasn't interested. I was never particularly encouraged to be sporty; since I showed an aptitude for academic pursuits, that's where I was nurtured. I rarely exercised and got to the age of 24 before realising what I'd been missing out on.
What got me off my wobbly, untoned ass? Being dumped. My heart was broken and I was feeling very low about myself. I've always been a 'curvy' sort of girl; I liked my food and I never exercised. This meant that underneath the clothes, was a lumpy, bumpy and misshapen monster that I hated to reveal. I'd always had an issue with my genetic misfortune of being given the cellulite of an 80 year old, but what I didn't do is take any personal responsibility for it. I blamed my parents instead of facing the fact that if I worked out, it probably wouldn't be so bad.
So I started jogging. This was 7 weeks ago and I've lost 3 inches around my waist. I don't actually weigh myself since my target has never been to be stick thin. I just wanted to tone up and not feel ashamed of myself. I've gone from someone who couldn't run for 5 minutes, to someone who can now run 5km easily. It's not just about improving my physical image, it's about having the stamina and fitness too. I didn't realise how much my lack of fitness was affecting me; I didn't realise that going for a quick jog every night could cure my self-confidence. Within just a couple of weeks, I truly felt empowered.
Once I got going, I became addicted to it. I've now decided to run a half-marathon in September, so that I have a reason to push myself towards higher levels of stamina. I started off slow, just trying one lap around my local park. I just stuck to what I was comfortable doing; if I needed to walk a bit, I did. Discovering that I actually enjoyed running and wanted to be good at it, I also gave up smoking. I'd been giving up on and off for a while, but always succumbed when I was out drinking and socialising with friends. Ultimately though, I wasn't enjoying smoking much and wanted to give up. Running gave me more reason to look after my body.
Giving up also contributed to this new sense of strength and confidence I'd found. I was no longer ashamed of my body; I was proud of it and I wanted to look after it. My cellulite hasn't gone completely, but it's certainly improved, and I have no doubt that by September there'll be a dramatic difference. People have been telling me I look great. And for once, I really feel it. I've set myself a goal and in the summer I'm going to celebrate achieving it, by taking myself on a beach holiday and wearing my bikini with pride.
(I'm running the Race for Life, which is 5km, as a milestone on my way to the half marathon. If you'd like to sponsor me, please visit my fundraising page...)
The Facts


As a descendant of the primate, we are essentially animals. Modern life means that we are largely sedentary - most of us spend eight hours of our day sat on our arses in front of computers. This kind of lifestyle is completely unnatural and our bodies have not evolved out of our intrinsic need to move, to run, to climb trees, to hunt and escape predators. Letting our bodies become inert, useless lumps has a dramatic impact on our psychology and this is what I personally discovered when I started exercising. I didn't realise quite how low my self esteem was, until it destroyed my relationship. And I didn't realise how easy it was to exercise.
"Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it." Plato
A World of Options
"Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it." Plato
A World of Options
Exercising does not have to be a grind. There are so many different types of sporting activities you can take part in. There are aggressive sports like boxing or rugby, or there are calming exercises, like yoga or tai chi, indoor or outdoor sports, lone wolf or pack sports. There are just so many options. Exercise doesn't always have to be competitive. You don't have to go to a gym full of posers and it doesn't have to be for anybody but yourself. It doesn't have to make you embarrassed or cost you the earth.
I don't like the artificial environment of gyms, or their membership fees, but I'm lucky that I enjoy running, since it's free for me to head down to my local park and do a couple of laps. I also bought a couple of kettlebells - I spent a total of £50 and now have a piece of equipment that allows me to work out in the privacy of my bedroom. You can find instructions for kettlebell exercises on the web and spend a quick half an hour in the evening toning up your flabby bits.
Get online and check out your local directory for sports clubs and see what's out there.
I don't agree that everybody has to be a size 0 to be attractive and I don't agree with the kind of imagery the media uses to convey an idea of 'beauty'. Beauty is subjective. Exercising is not, for me, about getting stick thin. It is about having muscle tone, having power, strength and the stamina to run as far as I want to. It is about being a 'good animal'. I like the idea of showing off too; personally I am quite competitive. But each individual will have different motivations. For example, a colleague of mine spent a number of years in a physically abusive relationship - since breaking up with the guy and escaping the torment, she's taken up kick boxing and she's empowered by the knowledge that she would now be able to handle the threat of physical violence from a man (more on women's self-defence in the article 'Better Confidence').
The first step is to find something you might enjoy and give it a try. And if you don't enjoy it, don't worry, try something else. Mastering your body through exercise puts you back in touch with your physical self. Looking after your physical self means that you will be happier pscyhologically - your mind and body are connected and one affects the other. Things like the placebo effect prove that the power of the mind can play a large part in healing the body. So why shouldn't the body play a large part in healing the mind? Once you start taking control of your body, you realise you can take a lot more control in other areas of your life too. Of course there are things beyond your control, but the important thing is to realise that there are some things that aren't, including how you feel about yourself and your body.
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